Magnetic Beats

Drama/History, France/Germany 2022

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France at the beginning of the 1980s: a spirit of optimism is spreading - also in music. In a sleepy little town, the clique around the charismatic Jerôme (Joseph Olivennes) and his introverted brother Philippe (Thimotée Robart) runs a pirate radio station in an attic. When Marianne (Marie Colomb) moves back to the village from Paris with her young daughter, the brothers are smitten and both fall head over heels in love with her. With his engaging manner, Jerôme is quickly able to win Marianne over, while Philippe is afraid to show his love. He is drafted into military service and transferred to West Berlin. There, an encounter with the dazzling radio host Dany (Brain Powell) changes his life; he is able to impress as a DJ on military radio and dares to confess his love to Marianne over the radio. But when Philippe goes home, he realizes that everything has changed and gets into a big conflict of conscience.
95 min
FSK 16
Audio language:


Prix Lumiere 2022 Best Young Actor Thimotee Robart
Best Debut Film Cesars 2022
Cannes 2021 Directors' Fortnight SACD price

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Thimotée Robart (Philippe)

Marie Colomb (Marianne)

Joseph Olivennes (Jérôme)

Fabrice Adde (Francis)

Louise Anselme (Nathalie)

Younès Boucif (Kader)

Maxence Tual (Jean-Jacques)

Judith Zins (Patricia)

Original title:

Les Magnétiques

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16

Audio language:


